School Policies


Weber Innovation Early College High School Policy & Information Manual

Principal - Hal Raymond (Email Hal Raymond)
Head Secretary -  Carrie Pilot (Email Carrie Pilot)
Asst. Secretary- Marianne Illum (Email Marianne Illum)
Counselors -  Michele Worthen (Email Michele Worthen), Sharon Sipes (Email Sharon Sipes
Teachers - See School Website at:  (Faculty and Staff)
PLTW Coordinator - John Donley (Email John Donley)

School Mission

The Purpose and Mission of Weber Innovation Early College High School is to personalize student opportunities and to accelerate learning for college and career readiness.

School Vision

  1. The curriculum addresses the state core and is aligned to important, relevant and meaningful academic content every day.  Data in courses are monitored and adjusted for student success.  

  2. Instructional strategies reflect best practice and stimulate student engagement every day.  

  3. By nature our school utilizes technology.  Teachers’ instructional practice promotes and integrates technology to enhance curricular outcomes.

  4. Students will thrive in a six-tiered support structure based on their academic progress and all faculty will be involved in the different intervention levels. (regular parent/student contact, iTime, SWIM, student advocate, study hall, credit cards) 

  5. Everyone is involved in helping our students succeed and accelerate!

  6. Every student will have an occupational plan, a goal and be moving toward post high success.

Vision for PLCs/CLTs in WIHS

Two unique teams here at this school.  Magnet programs and then all other WIHS courses.  We use data to make decisions. 

  1. We understand and discuss the patterns of each of our students.  This includes where they spend their time, where they are in progress, how many credits they have, and so on.  Every student is unique.  We get to know each student.  

    • Every member is as passionate and cares as much as the administration does.

    • Teachers gather, analyze and utilize data to inform curriculum decisions.  We use Canvas (ie tests) and the progress chart as the main tools for this.  We also use other sources such as ACT scores, college scores, Aspire test scores, PLC’s and SWIM data.  

    WIHS Values

  2. Students OWN their learning.

    • Teachers support & at times “guide” students as they begin to OWN their learning.

    • Students place high value on academic success at an accelerated pace.

Based on the Above, What Are Our Goals for 2020-21 

(We will keep these the same as last year because of the pandemic.)

  1. 90% of our students from our 11th and 12th grades (on average) will be at least .50 credits ahead of pace for graduation

    • 60% of all juniors & seniors will be enrolled in at least one CE class and/or OWTC program..

    • ACT scores (total overall average) will be raised .50% above those of last year.  (Forego this one for this year.)

    • Continue to promote WIHS in various ways. 

  2. At least 15 students from the junior high / WIHS program come to WIHS. 

    The Purpose and Mission of Weber Innovation Early College High School is to personalize student opportunities and to accelerate mastery in pursuit college and career readiness.

We expect our students to:  

  1. Be respectful of self, 2. Be respectful of all others, 3. Be prepared, and 4. Be engaged.  In order to be successful at Weber Innovation High School, all students need to be aware of and follow the policies and procedures of the high school.  Please take a moment and read through this policy and information manual and welcome to Weber Innovation Early College High School!

Acceptable Use Policy

In order to access any technology (wireless or otherwise)  in Weber School District, all students need to sign the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).  This must be done yearly or when a student desires to either use Weber School District’s computer(s), internet, or access content.  By signing the AUP, students are agreeing to many aspects of appropriate digital behavior including being appropriate in electronic communications between all members of the course including both instructors and peers.  They also agree to not participate in unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking” into the courses. The AUP can be found at: AUP  .

WSD policy of Student Appropriate Use will be followed and can be found under Computers and Network Resources section #8320 of the WSD student handbook.

Attendance & Citizenship

Good attendance and punctuality are a fundamental part of 21 Century Skills.  In order for an absence to be deemed excused, a parent/guardian will need to contact the school by phone or by writing either prior to the absence or within three days of a student’s return to school.

WSD attendance and citizenship policy will be followed and can be found under WSD policy # 4170, Attendance Policy.  

NOTE: Students may be placed on an individualized attendance program depending on their academic progress level.


At Weber Innovation High, we expect all students to treat each other, as well as all staff members with respect and kindness.  We also expect the same from our staff. Any instances of Bullying and/or Harassment will be dealt with in an urgent manner and according to Weber District Policy. See Weber School District policy #5200 section II,  for definition and violation procedures for this policy.


Academic honesty is a must when taking any course, traditional or digital.  Students must do their own work.

All of the following are considered cheating/plagiarism:

  • turning in someone else's work as your own,  (your paper/work looking identical or very similar to another student’s work/paper; particularly essays.)

    • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit

    • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks

    • giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation

    • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit

    • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not

(Plagiarism considerations taken with permission from:Plagiarism )

When plagiarism or cheating is suspected , the teacher will initiate a discussion with the student to determine if there has been a violation of the policy and, if so, the intent and severity of the cheating and/or plagiarism.  Violation of this policy will result in notifying parents/guardians. Additional violations could result in further discipline procedures.

Additional Plagarism Checker resources.

Chromebook Procedures & Information

All students at Weber Innovation High will have access to an HP Chromebook. Although students can bring their own devices, we recommend students use the Weber District issued device.  Chromebooks need little, if any maintenance. They operate on a completely web-based platform so there is little or no need for downloading or installing. There is less need for technical support.  It also has an autosave feature. Student work on the Chromebook saves automatically to the Google Cloud.

If a student opts to use their own device, it must meet the following, minimum, specifications: 1. Must have a hardware keyboard  2.Runs the Chrome OS 3. Connects to WSD wireless network 4. Can utilize the full functionality of Google Docs 5. Can be appropriately filtered as required by state law and district policy.

Consequences for Behavior Infractions

Weber Innovation High School is a “choice” school, in that there are no students that are required to attend by boundaries or where they live.  As such we reserve the right to remove any student who does not comply with our behavioral, social and academic guidelines. District Due Process procedures will be followed in regard to student discipline.  Those students attending on District Boundary Exemptions (students who do not live in Weber District), may have their boundary exemption revoked upon violation of school rules and/or procedures. Student discipline is a critical component of an effective school.  In order to optimize learning all students and staff are expected to exercise the necessary self and group discipline.. Consequence for inappropriate school behaviors may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Student-teacher conference

    • Phone call home

    • Reflective writing

    • Student-parent-teacher conference

    • Loss of privileges

    • Short-term restrictions from activities with alternative assignments

    • Behavior contract

    • Suspension  (See WSD policy # 5200 “Prohibited conduct and related discipline”

    • Student-parent-teacher-administrator conference

Academic Probation

A student may be placed on academic probation if they fall more than 1.5 credits below their regular graduation schedule.  When placed on academic probation, students & parent(s) will receive an outline to help the student get caught up which includes a portion of the following contract...

Throughout this last year there were many interventions to try and help (student name) get (his/her) credit count up to where (he/she) should have them according to (his/her) class graduation pacing.  As part of that intervention your student was placed on academic probation with an outline of expectations. One of the main expectations outlined was the following:

The student will maintain (from this point on) consistent progress equal to obtaining 6.75 credits/year in addition to an additional % increase dependent upon how many credits he/she is behind….

At this school we are very focused on personalized education where students are able to excel and move at a rapid pace to further their post high school opportunities.  Unfortunately this model also can work in the reverse direction which we were upfront with and emphasized in all our meetings with you and your student. It was certainly not our intent to have (student name) fall behind in credits.  We feel that this particular model of education is not beneficial to (STudent Name). (student name) has not made the progress necessary to show the necessary increases in credits according to our expectations while on academic probation.  Because we feel your student needs a more structured environment to get caught up for high school graduation, (Student Name) will need to enroll at his/her boundary high school for this upcoming fall.

If the student does continues to fall behind or does not meet progression measures of getting caught up, they may be required to attend full time at their neighborhood school where they are placed on a structured schedule.


Most of the Core Curriculum is through the Canvas LMS.  Most of the rest of the curriculum is traditional facetime classes. Weber Innovation High is fully accredited and all courses are NCAA approved.  The Utah State core in each subject area has been followed and teachers have enhanced this curriculum with interactive material that we feel will stimulate interest in the course and increase student understanding and learning.  The curriculum and class format is reviewed and modified continually according to feedback gathered from student surveys, public feedback, and teacher committees.

Weber Innovation Early College High School is a “Choice School” in that it is a student choice and not a requirement that they attend Weber Innovation High (students are required to attend their neighborhood school).  Students will take courses in a variety of delivery methods, some face time, some online and some in a blended format. Every format will have different expectations and requirements which students will be expected to meet, for instance with facetime courses students will be expected to attend class every time it is scheduled, there will be much more flexibility in the other methods of delivery.  It is the student’s obligation and responsibility to completely comply with the teachers requests regarding the delivery method of the course, failure to do so may result in suspension and eventual revocation of the students opportunity to attend Weber Innovation Early College High School.

Part of the Weber Innovation Early College High School mission statement is to accelerate students to achieve College and Career readiness.  A big component of this mission is post high school offerings such as Concurrent Enrollment (CE) courses (on or off our campus) or an Ogden Weber Technology College program (OWTC) (on or off our campus). We currently offer students courses through Weber State University, Snow College, Southern Utah University, and the Ogden Weber Technology College.  Each post secondary institution will have differing expectations and requirements. Students are expected to adhere to the expectations and requirements of each institution from which they take courses. This includes expectations and seat time requirements. Students are expected to attend all CE and ATC classes and must be excused from any class periods they miss.  These absences must be cleared in advance with their instructor at the institution. They should also let the Weber Innovation Early College High School office or facilitator know of the absence and what steps were taken to seek approval for the absence from their instructor. If students cannot meet these requirements they may drop the course or withdraw from the course as long as they do so by the deadline set by that institution.  

Registration for CE and ATC programs have specific deadlines and may fill up.  The counselor and CE coordinator will work to notify students of registration deadlines and processes.  Students must register during the suggested times or they risk not being able to get into the class/program until a later date.  

Students must meet the CE preparedness standards as determined by the post secondary institution.  The requirements for WSU, SC, and SUU are a general guideline of a 3.0 GPA and a 22 composite ACT score.  There may be special circumstances where students are admitted at the counselor’s discretion. English and Math courses at the university level have additional ACT score requirements. These requirements vary by institution.  

Students who receive an F in a Snow College course will not be able to take subsequent CE Snow College courses.  Students who receive an F in Weber State University CE courses may not be able to take subsequent WSU courses.

Dress Code

Students are expected to come to school with proper attention having been given to personal cleanliness, grooming, and neatness of dress. Students whose personal attire or grooming distracts the attention of other students or teachers from their school work or disrupts the learning environment may be asked to change.  Students may be removed from the general population until arrangements can be made to correct the violation. District dress standards will be followed which can be found under WSD policy #5220, Student Dress and Grooming Standards. ( )

Drugs, Alcohol, Weapons

Weber “Safe School Policies” will be followed in regard to any violations involving drugs, alcohol and weapons.  See Weber School District student discipline policy 5200 - 5210 for guidelines regarding drugs, alcohol or weapons.

Early Graduation

Early graduation is available to all students interested in graduating prior to the completion of the 12th grade year.  Students must complete graduation requirements which are outlined under the “Early Graduation section of the WSD student policy section 4371.

Fee Waiver Procedure

Fees, as established by the Weber School District Board of Education may be waived in accordance with the Utah State Board of Education House Bill 183.  Procedures and guidelines for fees being waived can be found under WSD policy #4200, Fee Waiver Procedure.

Forums, Discussion Boards, Chat and Email

Students at Weber Innovation High may, at times,  participate in forums and other activities where they interact with both the teacher and other students in the course via forums, discussion boards etc.  Students are expected to conduct themselves in a prudent, respectful and professional manner in the forums, discussion boards and emails. Violations of this policy will be handled similarly to the plagiarism policy.  

Grades & Assignments

School Wide Grading Policy in Canvas courses:  Part of the Canvas Curriculum is a Mastery Based Grading Concept.  (This does not include any magnet or facetime class.) This is a bit more open ended, in that students are graded against a “mastery level” usually in accordance with a rubric, rather than just against an accumulation of points.  Each assignment and assessment in Edivate will need to be accomplished at a 75% level to move on in the curriculum (this is where the personalized learning comes into play) if a student doesn’t reach this level, they can go back and “fix” what they haven’t done or learned, so it becomes much more cumulative(at least in theory)  as far a learning goes. Although there will ultimately (at the end of the quarter or semester) have to be a grade assigned, the grading becomes kind of open ended until mastery level is reached.

All assignments including quizzes and tests will be mastery based, (not including magnet or facetime courses.)   A student must have a grade of 75% or better in order to satisfactorily pass each assignment, quiz, or test. If a student achieves below 75% he/she must bring that score up to at least mastery base by redoing or improving the assignment.  Students will have multiple opportunities to reach a mastery base score in every assignment, quiz, and test.

Teachers grade scales should reflect this mastery based system.  


Utah Statute requires all children enrolling in a public school be immunized in accordance with the State Board of Health regulations.  Proof of immunization must be included in the registration materials. Parents wishing to receive an exemption from the state immunization requirements must submit a written request indicating their eligibility for exemption under Utah law at the time of enrollment.


Weber Innovation High School’s mentoring program is called iTime.  It is recommended that mentors meet with students at least once a week and go over progress; giving advice and monitoring student’s success.   All students will be assigned a mentor. The students are responsible to initiate those weekly/regular meetings with their mentor.


It is highly recommended that you “pre-register”, as soon as registration documents are posted on July 1st, on the Weber District Website at For further information, you can get in touch with the Weber Innovation secretary at  Email Capitol .

SAGE Testing

Weber Innovation High Students are expected to take the same Utah State Assessments as all Weber District High Schools. The USOE has allowed an extended testing window due to our unique process of education.  Upon completion of some core subject areas, students are then expected to take the state SAGE test.


See WSD policy 5300, “School Search and Seizure”.

Social Media

With the ever-increasing use of social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram), it is imperative that students understand that they will be expected to adhere to appropriate standards regarding any posts (including photos), tweets, snap chats, etc.  Any use of social media platforms by students, on or off campus, may be monitored by the administration and disciplinary action may be taken if use is deemed inappropriate. Standards related to appropriate use of social media platforms include, but are not limited to: zero tolerance for cyber-bullying; harassment (all forms); lewd, suggestive, or sexually explicit posts/photos; discriminatory remarks/posts; posts/photos depicting or promoting illegal activities (alcohol, drugs, e-cigs), re-tweeting, re-posting and any/all of the above, etc.

Special Education
(Section Includes 504 Accommodations Information Also)

It is the policy of the Weber School District to adhere to and comply with federal and state laws and rules as they pertain to students with disabilities and the provision of a free, appropriate, public education to all students within the school district’s jurisdiction.

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) 2004

    • Utah State Office of Education Special Education Rules (2008)

    • Utah Code

Weber School District procedures are on file at the Utah State Office of Education, the Weber School District Special Education Department, and on the Weber School District Special Education Department web page.

504 Accommodation

WSD 504 policy and guidelines can be found under 4122 of the WSD student policy.  

Tobacco/Nicotine Policy

See WSD policy 5205 - 5210, Tobacco/Nicotine Policy) for definitions and enforcement guidelines.  

Work Based Learning

Work based learning opportunities include, but may not be limited to:  Job Shadowing, Internship, Cooperative Education, Service Learning, and School-based Enterprise.  Guidelines for work based learning can be found under WSD student policy #4800.

Student’s Attending Activities at Their Neighborhood School

Any student whose Home School is WIHS  that would like to attend Athletic and other student body sponsored events at their neighborhood school, will adhere to their resident school’s policies and procedures for attendance at those extra-curricular activities.