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The Innovation Experience

About Weber Innvoation High School

Weber Innovation High School

Personal, individualized education and preparation of a college and career ready student is the goal and focus of Weber Innovation High.

Weber Innovation High School is Weber School District’s school for students (grades 9-12) who want to get an early start on their post-high school opportunities. 

With our unique blended, personalized learning program, we feel that we can get you further and faster down the road to those post-high school opportunities you may have than any other school in the state

Personal, individualized education and preparation of a college and career ready student is the goal and focus of Weber Innovation and we look forward to the opportunity of adding to the diverse and multi-faceted education offered to Weber District Students.

Blended Learning / Free Flow

You are built a personalized schedule according to your career goals.  Although you have a course schedule, our free flow program allows you to spend time in those courses you need help in.  You are free to attend those classes you need help in at any time during the day.  If you need more help in math, then you spend more time in math.  You don’t need to change classes at the bell necessarily.  Yes, attendance is still required, but you can float in and out of those courses throughout the day as needed

Magnet CTE Programs

Personal, individualized education and preparation of a college and career ready student is the goal and focus of Weber Innovation High.

Weber Innovation High School is Weber School District’s school for students (grades 9-12) who want to get an early start on their post-high school opportunities. 

With our unique blended, personalized learning program, we feel that we can get you further and faster down the road to those post-high school opportunities you may have than any other school in the state

Personal, individualized education and preparation of a college and career ready student is the goal and focus of Weber Innovation and we look forward to the opportunity of adding to the diverse and multi-faceted education offered to Weber District Students.

Innovation Studio

In the Innovation Studio, students are encouraged creation, collaboration, and innovation. Our state-of-the-art space is more than just a collection of tools and gadgets --